Monday, November 17, 2008

A Walk Down Memory Lane

This is where it all began. We were young, in love, and ready to conquer the world. Almost 12 years and 3 kids later, we're still in love. A little older and a little less likely to conquer the world...just our small corner of Picomania.

One of us was old enough to drink at our wedding...quess who?

My BEAUTIFUL family!

Cam holding his son in the NICU for the first time.

Charlie's rough start made him a fighter. Born almost 6 weeks early with RDS, "son" (as Belle quickly named him) spent the first 9 days of his life hooked up to machines. Good thing he wasn't our first or I might have had a complete breakdown, but he turned out to be a healthy, happy boy and all this seems like a distant memory.

This was my first look at my son and it was in this moment when I fell in love. It seems peaceful, but in the next moment, he was whisked away to the NICU and I was left alone to pray for someone I had just met, but loved more than anything in the world. I feel so blessed to be a mother!

This is Cam holding Isabelle Rose when she was only a few hours old. She was one of the most peaceful, happy babies I had ever seen. As you can tell daddy fell in love with his daughter right away. What's not to love?

I loved meeting Belle for that first time. Everything about her birth was amazing and when I looked at her, I knew instantly she would help complete our family. I also knew she would bring alot of fun and laughter to Picomania!

Annie holding her baby sister hours after her birth. She loved Belle from the start and Isabelle soon began to adore Annie and hasn't stopped since. Cam always says if BelleBelle could somehow attach herself to Annie by becoming a part of her, she would. She really looks up to her big sister. We're just trying to convince Annie this is a good thing:)

This is it for now, but you know there's more to come. We have grown up alot in the last 12 years, but this is where we began and it's a good thing to remember those moments and go back to where we started:)

Sunday, November 16, 2008


This has been our "trick or treat" crew for the last 4 years. Belle is a "camo diva" (very Belle), Annie is a "punk pirate", Charlie is a regular pirate, and Emily (Belle's BFF) is an angel.

This is what residency does to a person.

Annie and her friends at school enjoying rolling each other in toilet paper. The end result was a toilet paper wrapped mummy laughing her head off!

We take Freckles (the dog) trick or treating with us every year. She usually wears a witch costume, but has put on a few pounds this year and couldn't fit into it. Looks like Freckles and mommy need to take more walks:)

Picomania at its best!

Thursday, November 6, 2008


I've got to do it...I've got to write a review of High School Musical 3. Also on my "to-do" list is to update my blog because SO many things have happened since the last time I wrote that I'm having a hard time even knowing where to start. Let's start here: last weekend we spent the weekend in Huntsville, AL for a soccer tournament (4 games in about 30 hours). Between our 2 Saturday games, we had alot of time to spare so some of the moms and Cam (husband of the year award) took the team to see HSM3.

One word: cheesy. However, I love cheesy. I love sappy. I cry in the Hallmark store. I cry during commercials. I cry in the car when certain songs come on the radio. And yes, I cried at the end of the movie. There were certain scenes where I think I may have felt vomit in the back of my throat, especially those scenes between Troy and Gabriella. First of all, what boy looks like that in high school? Second, who has a relationship like that in HS? I speak from experience, I married my HS sweetheart and he never sang and/or danced for me;) Both, Cam and I agreed the first HSM was the best one, but overall the 3rd was entertaining with good music and great dancing. The girls loved it, the moms liked it, and Cam survived it. Oh, we took Charlie, as well, and let's just say "Charlo" got his groove on and LOVED it (maybe more than all the 10/11 year old girls).

One more thing, Cam was very disturbed about the scene where Troy crawls in her window with the pizza and chocolate dipped strawberries. Where was her mother? And how can we get cameras in all the kid's rooms?