Dear Cam,
What an incredible year! July 17th is one of my favorite days of the year because we celebrate the birth of an amazing man. Yes, you! I am so proud of the husband, father, son, brother, uncle, friend, and doctor you have become. Taking cupcakes to work last week was so much fun for the kids and I because we got to see you in your element and everyone loves you SO much at the office. As I drove away I just swelled with pride. What you do and the things you have accomplished are immensely important.
I have loved you for so long that I can't remember a time when I didn't love you. It seems so natural to love you like waking up in the morning is natural. It hasn't always been easy and we have definitely had our struggles, but we fought to hang on during the tough times and look at us now. A happy family (most of the time).
One of my favorite things about you is your ability to forgive and I have certainly needed that in our 17 years of being together. Your patience and understanding have made me and everyone around you better people. I also love how easy it is to laugh with you. You've always brought a smile to my face. Of course, you also have an inane ability to drive me insane with your lack of time management, but who can be perfect?
I remember the first time I saw you in Coach Karnowski's preface B class our freshmen year in high school. Instant crush! I still get butterflies when you come in from work or you're meeting me somewhere and I look up and there you are with your beautiful smile. Thank you for being the love of my life!
I am grateful that you are my husband even when you are driving me insane. I love you, Cam Pico. You lead this family the way God calls you to lead and that is a true blessing. You are one of the most involved fathers I know (it hasn't always been that way due to training, but you certainly are making up for lost time). What lucky kids to have a dad like you. You are an amazing husband that would rather stay in and watch a movie than go out with the "boys". You have no idea how much that means to me. You take care of me when I have my headaches (which is a lot lately). You let me vent when I need to and reign me in when needed (I hate it when you do that, but later I'm always appreciative).
Your birthday has passed, but I still wanted to write a birthday letter since everyone is getting one this year. I hope you enjoyed your special day. I appreciate you and all you do for this family. Thank you!