My mom and I are very close. We talk almost every morning on my way to work. Growing up she was my mom, now she is one of my closest friends. We love to shop together and can be out all day and not even realize time has passed. My dad keeps trying to convince us shopping is not a hobby or a sport. The way my mom and I do it, it is. We talk while we shop and sometimes we have our best talks looking for a great pair of shoes (on sale, of course). I love her tons and can't imagine losing her.
Last night, I got a phone call pretty late from my dad. This alarmed me even before he said "hello" because my parents never call that late as they have usually gone to bed. He told me she was in the ER, couldn't breath, blood pressure was sky high, and was in a lot of pain. His voice was shaky and I knew he was concerned. The very worst thing about the situation is that I was in TX and they were in an ER in AL. All I wanted to do was be with her, no matter what the problem was.
I started thinking about how much I depend on her and how I would never be ready for anything bad to happen to either one of my parents. Being an only child makes us a very tight knit threesome. Sometimes a little too close, but that's another blog. The good news is my mom is fine. She was diagnosed with plurisy (an inflammation/infection of the chest wall lining). She was treated in the ER and sent home, but for a few moments I was looking at plane tickets to see how soon I could be in AL.
I talked to her this morning and she is still in pain, but we are all grateful it wasn't something life threatening. I prayed without ceasing until my dad called with the diagnosis and I knew she wasn't in grave danger. And because I don't tell her nearly enough, thank you mom for loving me and being my biggest fan. I love you, Mom!
Moms are the greatest role model in women's lives and you have one of the best. I still miss my mom and she has been gone 18 yrs. Love to you and Judy♥
Glad Judy is ok and will keep her in my prayers.
I told Judi last night that I was afraid because I thought I might lose her.(Fri was a scary) I honestly would not know what I would do without her. She spoils me, who else would put up with my insanity? loves me despite of myself, takes care of me when I am sick and understands my moods. Regardless of what has gone on between us over the past 35 years she has ALWAYS been there for me. I don't tell her often enough how much I love her but she knows I do. Our low points have been very low, our high points have been very high but somehow we have always ended up back in the middle. The world should know what a wonderful person she is, I do, if she is your friend she is your friend for life and would give you her last nickle, if you make her your enemy, well, you just don't want to. She is Judi, Jude, Mom, Nana, and all mine. And I love her dearly
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