So much has happened in the last 2 months that I don't know exactly where to begin, but the one thing I haven't done is say good-bye to TX.
We moved, again and for hubby's sake I hope for the last time. Currently, we are settling into our new home in Mesa, AZ still surrounded by boxes and with a ton of work to do (but what's new).
Although our time in Katy, TX was short (a year almost to the day), we made some incredible memories and more importantly some lifelong friends. We will miss our old and new friends that we made in TX dearly and want to thank them for the great memories and their love and support of our family.
In TX, our children attended public school for the first time and other than a bus incident, it was a positive experience and not as scary as they thought it would be. I found a job that I loved (haven't worked in a VERY long time). I worked with some great kids and co-workers (some of which will be lifetime friends). Hubby got some amazing training at the leading cancer hospital in the world and did cutting edge procedures that will help all his future patients (can you tell I'm proud of him?). These are just a few things TX offered us and as we move away I can honestly say all 5 of us are better people and a closer family for having been there.
So, GOOD-BYE to the great state of Texas. We enjoyed our time with you and now we are opening a new chapter of our life in Arizona where I also expect amazing things! We love blue bonnets "deep in the heart of TX" and will take the "yellow rose of TX" with us.
Texas misses you too :)
Best wishes on your new adventure!
I am crying because you're farther from me!
Get out a ruler and find a doorway where you can measure everyone. Your new place will instantly feel like you've come home to stay.
Love you guys. SO glad you're here!
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