Sunday, September 7, 2008

The A(Annie), B(Belle), C's(Charlie) of Sunday Morning

Disclaimer:  I am not in any way being sacrilegious about church or the sabbath.  These are my observations and rants about getting a family of 5 ready for church on Sunday mornings.  I love the Lord, our God!  With that being said...

As you can only imagine,  getting ready for church by 9:00 on Sunday mornings is like herding cats.  Some mornings we don't even make it to Sunday school and are late to 10:30 services, like the time we were about halfway to church and I turned around to find that Charlie did not have his shoes on and they didn't make it to the car, either.  Now, I'm not pointing any fingers, but Cam was in charge of dressing Charlie that particular morning.  Apparently, shoes were not part of the "dressing process"  He was also in charge of feeding the children that morning, let's just say everyone was hungry when we got to church.  Consequently, Cam has one job on Sunday mornings, to get himself ready and this morning we were all IN the car waiting for him.  Like I said, he used to be in charge of breakfast, but that's Annie's job now and guess what?  Everyone gets fed!

Sometimes (well, most of the time) Cam and I are upset or have exchanged words with each other by the time we get to church, so I sit in church for the first half, swinging my leg wondering how much I'd get for child support and alimony if I divorced him before residency was over.  J/K...By the time I go to Jesus in prayer to ask for forgiveness for the multitude of sins I have committed all week, I have to add thoughts of homicide to the list.  As I sit through the sermon and Charlie has gone downstairs AFTER he manages to get in trouble about a thousand times, for children's church my leg stops swinging and I reach over to take Cam's hand.  After all, he does put up with a lot from me!  

I know when we go to the altar for communion, my heart must be at peace and as I kneel in front of the cross and receive the body and blood of our Lord and savior that it's one more week, I have "herded" my children to church  and all of us have become renewed and spiritually closer to our Father.  All the yelling and fighting of the morning usually disappears and we are left all the more closer to Christ, with or without our shoes on:)  And these are the ABC's of Sunday morning as Picomania begins another crazy week.  From one family to the next, may the peace of the Lord be with you all until we start over next Sunday morning!


Grandma said...

xwitjduxHi Kris,
Thank you for your blog! Now I can keep up with my sweet grandkids and hear about all the funny things that go on in Alabama. I love all of you so much and now you will be closer because of the blog. Besides, I need a good laugh every now and then.
Love, Grandma

Grandma said...

Ok, so I typed the word verification in the comment section. I was trying so hard to get the stupid letters down correctly that I didn't look to see where they were going.

Love you guys

Leigh said...

Sounds like a typical Sunday at the Stapleys'!

Brian and Aubrey said...

The Brinegar family expeiences the same problems, and to think we start church at 1:00pm.

Anonymous said...

Ok so the heck with the test! I had to catch up on the Pico's!! You write so well Kris. Wish I had that talent! I feel like I am right in the middle of your chaos with you! You thought 9:00 was early. Try 8:00 that's when our church is. Crazy!

Terri said...

I thrive off sarcasm! And love the blog.

Rock on...rock on.