She was one of the most beautiful babies I had ever seen. She took my breath away. Nurses would come by our room to look at the baby that everyone was talking about.
Those first few days were rough (understatement). We were young parents and boy, could you tell. I'm surprised Annie survived our folly! They handed her to Cam for the first time and he looked at me and said, "what do I do with her?" looking like he was afraid she would break. We found out quickly she wasn't as fragile as we thought.
I think she cried the ENTIRE first year of her life and wouldn't sleep unless she was laying on her dad or I. How could we let our precious angel cry it out (yes, that was dumb and naive)? Being the first grandchild on both sides, she was well loved, spoiled, and was pretty sure the world revolved around her. Didn't it? Everything she did was amazing and brilliant and as her mom, I have been so proud of her since the very first moments of her life.
She continues to make us proud, so we've come up with a top ten list of reasons we love Annie (in no particular order).
1. She loves her family and watches out for her brother and sister.
2. She has a most tender heart.
3. She is disciplined and that is exemplified in all aspects of her life, including her obedience to her Father in Heaven and her parents.
4. She has a very strong sense of right and wrong.
5. She has a sophisticated sense of humor and cracks us up daily.
6. She loves animals.
7. Annie has a flair for drama (something she comes by honestly)
8. She has a growing Christ-like spirit and loves her Lord.
9. Her imagination (one of her cousins says she loves playing with Annie because she makes up the most creative and fun games).
10. There is NO one like her!
As she turns 12, we realize her time as a little girl is coming to an end. Our journey as parents started with her and we have learned SO many lessons from our "bugface. So, thank you, Annie for being one of the most incredible people I have ever met. I am so proud to be your mother and sometimes feel as if I fall short, but you are always there to remind me that you are one of my best achievements.
I look forward to our continued journey together and can't wait to see what wonderful things you will accomplish in life. Keep the Lord at the center of your life and never forget mommy and daddy adore you and support you!

She loves her daddy and he always makes time to make her feel special. She is just like him, which is a good thing, since I love them both.
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