Dear Annie, you are 13 years old today and I can't believe how fast time goes by. It was just yesterday you were taking your first steps on Mother's Day between Papa and I. I never thought it was possible to love anything as much as I love you.
Daddy and I are SO proud of you. We are proud that you are kind and loving, respectful, smart (way smarter than both of us), driven, funny (it's either the right or the left), and most importantly a woman of God. I'm not sure I've ever had the faith and understanding that you do, but it's something that I truly admire in you.
As you get older, I feel so much closer to you. Thank you for trusting me and telling me about the most important things in your life (no, not boys!) I look forward to Monday and Wednesday nights when we get in our jammies and watch DWTS and American Idol. We love Scottie :)
My best piece of advice to you is stay true to yourself and be a shining example to the world (so, basically do exactly what you are doing now). I look forward to watching you grow over the next 13 years and truly believe God has big plans for Annie Pico!
Have fun and don't forget to laugh at yourself. Smile and laugh a lot because when you do your heart shines to the world and we all are blessed by that. Thank you, Annie for being my daughter.
Love always,
I so clearly remember when Grandpa and I went to the hospital and you were just born minutes before! We both cried and had so much love and joy that you were our granddaughter. Thanks Annie for bringing happiness and so much fun and laughter to our lives. Always be true to your beliefs and always honor God and then you will please Him and yourself.
LOVE you sweetie,
Grandma Pico
Oh, Annie, how I wish I knew you better. I've loved your mom since the first time I saw her bald little head, and all I've ever wanted for her is true happiness. It's obvious she found that in you. I'm so glad you have each other. Happy Birthday.
ps: You are going to be WAY taller than her.
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