I text his dad and tell him he needs to have a talk with our son about respecting girls "chicks". This is clearly a dad thing, but I'm not sure dad really got it because he laughed when I told him the story and he said "that's my son!" Ha, who is he kidding? My handsome, dreamy husband really didn't have "swagga". Now his brothers are a different story! So, maybe Charlie takes after his uncles :) BTW, the chicks comment wasn't that bad and he didn't get in trouble, etc for saying it.
Kidding aside it is my responsibility as a mom and woman to teach my son to respect girls. And dads lead by example and should respect their wives and honor them to teach their sons what that looks like. Cam is very good at this, so I'm perplexed by some of the things Charlie says. Maybe I'll blame the neighbor boys (no, just kidding)! It's tough to teach boys in our society to respect women because of all the ways women portray themselves. Has anyone walked by Victoria's Secret lately? Try getting your son to walk by without looking...it's almost impossible. And don't get me started on commercials. I tvo everything in hopes of fast forwarding by all the sexually charged commercials.
Oh, and let's not forget what message this sends to our daughters that they have to be super skinny with big boobs and half naked to attract the attention of men/boys. I'm lucky because my oldest (13 yr old girl) is very modest by nature. She won't even wear a tankini, which makes her daddy very proud, but not all girls can or will take a stand on that issue. I think if as a society we devalued such behavior and conduct, we could raise respectful boys and girls that respected themselves.
I didn't intend to take this post in this direction, but hey it worked for me and hopefully it gives everyone something to think about. Even if you disagree with me, it's still food for thought.
Until tomorrow...or the next day...or the next...you never know with me :)
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